API Reference

Update Part Placement Data for a PCB Project

Using this method, you can update the following attributes of placement
for one or more parts:

  • x_origin
    The X center of the part, located from the bottom-left corner in thousandths of an inch (mils)
  • y_origin
    The Y center of the part, located from the bottom-left corner in thousandths of an inch (mils)
  • x_offset
    The offset to apply to the X center of the part, in thousandths of an inch (mils)
  • y_offset
    The offset to apply to the Y center of the part, in thousandths of an inch (mils)
  • rotation
    The rotation of the part
  • rotation_offset
    The offset (in degrees) to apply to the rotation of the part
  • pad_width
    The width of a bounding box that encompasses all pads on the part, in thousandths of an inch
  • pad_height
    The height of a bounding box that encompasses all pads on the part, in thousandths of an inch
  • type
    The type of the part 1 = SMD, 2 = PTH
  • side
    The side of the board 1 = Top, 2 = Bottom
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