API Reference

Retrieve the PCB Bill of Materials for a Specific Version.

The bom key points to an array of bill of materials entries, one for each component listed on the board. Each element is an object that describes that component. While several of the object keys are obvious in their meaning, some require more detail:


The populate key indicates whether you have specified that the particular instance of that component be populated on the board. By default, it is set to true, unless you have unchecked the populate option for this component in the Bill of Materials view for the PCB in the user interface. This key having a value of true does not, however, ensure the part's population in assembly. The component must also have either a matched, selected, or house part associated with it.

selected_part, selected_mpn

A single MPN can be manufactured by a number of vendors, so we assign every part a unique ID. The ID for an MPN can be discovered through parts searches.

For convenience, we return the MPN with the results.

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