API Reference

The MacroFab Manufacturing API enables you to create new PCBs, manage the materials used in them, order PCB assemblies, manage products, manage inventory, and manage fulfillment of products to customers.

HTTPS Required

The MacroFab Manufacturing API and web interface can only be accessed over HTTPS.


To access the API, you must have first created an API key in the web-based user interface. You can access API keys by clicking on your email address in the top right corner when logged in, and then clicking on "Settings".

In each request, you must provide your API key as a URL parameter with the name apikey, e.g.:


Response Types

By default, you should request a response type of application/json via the Accept header, e.g.:

$ curl -H "Accept: application/json" https://api.macrofab.com/api/v2/order/m03tdk?apikey=test